
Cardiac Arrest can surprise

anyone regardless of age, physical fitness or gender.

Join us and be prepared!

עמותת שכן מציל חיים
עמותת שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים

4-Minutes is a not-for-profit organization that socializes life-saving defibrillators and enables our community to save the life of a dear one or neighbor. It’s actually pretty easy!

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים
עמותת שכן מציל חיים



Every month, about 500 people die in Israel of sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital.

That’s about 17 people every day.

עמותת שכן מציל חיים
עמותת שכן מציל חיים

Using a defibrillator within 4 minutes of a cardiac emergency is critical.That’s considered the window of opportunity to resuscitate the patient without permanent brain damage. Statistics indicate a 90%success rate if the shock is applied with one minute of the cardiac arrest. Success rate declines by 10% with every passing minute.

You can save lives.

עמותת שכן מציל חיים

Having a defibrillator nearby

significantly improves the chances of saving a life.

שכן מציל חיים
עמותת שכן מציל חיים

Our Home

can be a safer place for us as we create a community that provides help during a cardiac emergency.

4-Minutes, saving lives.

עמותת שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים

Introducing the Defibrillators

A device that restores regular rhythm by delivering an electrical shock. The device issues real time voice commands and operation requires no prior knowledge. Just follow the voice instructions. It’s easy.

שכן מציל חיים
עמותת שכן מציל חיים

Anyone can save a life

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים
Play Video

Lifesaving Testimonials

The Social Defibrillator Program: “The goal is for every person in Israel to be just 4 minutes away from a defibrillator”

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים

Our Story

“4-Minutes” was founded with the aim of saving lives by distributing life-saving defibrillators to families and registering the devices on the MDA emergency response platform for immediate activation.

Our vision is to create communities of “Lifesaving Neighbors” that have an AED defibrillator available to the 4-minutes range during a cardiac emergency. The venture is dedicated to the memory of Yoel Cohen, who passed away after sudden cardiac arrest at age 57.

שכן מציל חיים

Contact Us

We are here to answer any questions. Please contact us on WhatsApp or leave your details and we will contact you shortly.

Cardiac Arrest can surprise

anyone regardless of age, physical fitness or gender.

Join us and be prepared!

עמותת שכן מציל חיים

4-Minutes is a not-for-profit organization that socializes life-saving defibrillators and enables our community to save the life of a dear one or neighbor. It’s actually pretty easy!

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים


Evey month, about 500 people die in Israel of sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital.


That’s about 17 people every day.

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים

MDA training for new rescue neighbors

Using a defibrillator within 4 minutes of a cardiac emergency is critical.That’s considered the window of opportunity to resuscitate the patient without permanent brain damage. Statistics indicate a 90% success rate if the shock is applied with one minute of the cardiac arrest. Success rate declines by 10% with every passing minute.

You can save lives.

שכן מציל חיים
שכן מציל חיים

Having a defibrillator nearby

significantly improves the chances of saving a life.

שכן מציל חיים

Our Home

can be a safer place for us as we create a community that provides help during a cardiac emergency.

4-Minutes, saving lives.

שכן מציל חיים

Introducing the Defibrillators

שכן מציל חיים

A device that restores regular rhythm by delivering an electrical shock. The device issues real time voice commands and operation requires no prior knowledge. Just follow the voice instructions. It’s easy.

Anyone can save a life

Play Video

Lifesaving Testimonials

שכן מציל חיים

The Social Defibrillator Program: “The goal is for every person in Israel to be just 4 minutes away from a defibrillator”.

Our Story

שכן מציל חיים

“4-Minutes” was founded with the aim of saving lives by distributing life-saving defibrillators to families and registering the devices on the MDA emergency response platform for immediate activation.

Our vision is to create communities of “Lifesaving Neighbors” that have an AED defibrillator available to the 4-minutes range during a cardiac emergency. The venture is dedicated to the memory of Yoel Cohen, who passed away after sudden cardiac arrest at age 57.

Contact Us

We are here to answer any questions. Please contact us on WhatsApp or leave your details and we will contact you shortly.

Transparency and Proper Governance

4-Minutes is in the process of obtaining Proper Governance and Article 46 approval. 4-Minutes operates transparently and in accordance with the relevant procedures, regulations and laws. For further information on Association Management, visit 4-Minutes page on GuideStar.

Regulations and Terms of Use

Table of Contents

1. General

1.1   Welcome to the 4-MINUTES Association website, which also serves as a virtual store (hereinafter: the “Site”). The site is operated and owned by 4-MINUTES Association (Priv. Co. 580712230), located at 11 HaAvoda St., Tel Aviv and/or anyone on its behalf (hereinafter: “4-MINUTES Association “ and/or the “Operator”). The Operator approves site access and activities subject to the terms set forth below (hereinafter: “Terms of Use”).

1.2   The headings herein are intended for convenience and orientation only and shall bear no significance for interpretation thereof. The use of masculine form in these regulations or anywhere on the site is intended for convenience only. Therefore, wherever the regulations and/or website refers to the masculine form, it shall be considered feminine form as well (for all intents and purposes).

1.3   Please read the terms of use and its updates carefully as they comprise a binding contract between you and 4-MINUTES Association, for all intents and purposes.

1.4   The Operator reserves the right to correct, add or change the provisions of these regulations and the site terms of use, from time to time.

1.5    By using the website, you consent to the terms of use without limitation or reservation. If you do not agree with any of the terms of use, please do not use the website at all. It is hereby emphasized that anyone transacting on the website (including purchasing products and/or services offered online) thus confirms and declares that he has carefully read these regulations, understood its content and accepted them and he will have no direct or indirect claim against the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf (including shareholders, affiliates, position holders, employees, partners, managers and anyone on their behalf), except for claims related to the violation of Operator undertakings (if any) pursuant to these regulations and terms of use. In any case, even where the regulations were not actually read, any user agrees that the terms of these regulations will apply thereto, specifically this article.

1.6   In these regulations, “User” – Any person or corporation using and performing transactions through the website, all subject to cumulative fulfillment of the terms below: (A) He is legally competent to perform binding legal measures; (B) He is an adult over 18 or a corporation duly incorporated and registered in Israel; (C) He holds a recognized and valid Israeli or international credit card; (D) He maintains an active e-mail account.

If you are a minor (under 18) or are not entitled to perform legal actions without guardian approval, you must notify your parents and/or legal guardian of the provisions of these regulations and obtain their consent to perform any actions, of any kind, through the website. The guardian is responsible for notifying the minor seeking to surf the website of the regulations and to monitor the minor’s activities in order to ensure that such activities correspond with the terms of use herein.

1.7 For details and inquiries on items marketed online and/or delivery and/or any other question relating to the website and/or the provisions, contact Operator customer support at [email protected] or by phone at +972-54-827-8858, Sun.-Thurs. 09:00-17:00.

2. User Undertakings

Website use and activities reflect user consent to these terms and comprise an undertaking to act or refrain from action, as follows:

2.1   The user undertakes not to upload and/or broadcast and/or distribute and/or publish any information or other material containing a virus or software that might impair the Operator’s computer systems and/or damage and/or restrict and/or prevent others from using the site, and not to commercially use and/or fake and/or alter and/or delete the information appearing on the site and/or not to publish any threatening and/or harmful and/or derogatory and/or racist and/or improper and/or other publications impairing public regulations/sentiment on the website.

2.2   The user undertakes not to upload and/or broadcast and/or distribute and/or publish any information or other material that violates and/or whose publication may violate any law or agreement or third party right whatsoever, including but not limited to materials whose use and/or publication will comprise a violation of creators’ rights or any other intellectual property right held by any factor; a violation of the laws of slander (including libel); violation of penal laws relating to improper publications (including offending the public sentiment); violation of privacy protection laws or breach of contract or confidentiality.

2.3   The user undertakes to remunerate and indemnify the Operator for any damage, direct or indirect and/or any expense incurred by the Operator regarding any claim and/or demand and/or damages derived of the user’s failure to comply with the provisions of these regulations.

2.4   The user acknowledges that 4-MINUTES has a reputation in its field and he must avoid impairing its reputation, avoid any online activity that may impair the good name of 4-Minutes and/or anyone on its behalf.

3. Website information

3.1    The website in general, including all information therein and the underlying software, are hereby offered and presented to the public as is. Indeed, the Operator’s intention and objective are for the information to be correct and accurate and yet, the information on the website may sometimes be lacking (erroneously) and, alternately, there may be technical or other errors in the information. The Operator is not responsible for inaccuracies and/or errors that may relate to the said information. Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, in case of an error in product or service price, then (subject to law), this error shall not be binding of the Operator.

3.2    The features, models, design, color or appearance of products described or presented online, including any image or display of a product appearing on the website are intended for illustration purposes only and are in no way binding of the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf unless specifically stated otherwise.

4. Website Services

4.1     The website offers various content and/or services and/or activities, including the following services: (A) Surfing and reviewing various content; (B) Purchasing products and/or services; (C) Creating a “Favorites” list of items selected by the user; user sharing and sending items from the website to friends and acquaintances by e-mail and/or social networks;

4.2     It is hereby clarified that the Operator does not undertake that all of the said contents and/or services will be continuously provided on the site and the Operator may alter (including expand and reduce) the list of contents and/or services provided online upon its exclusive discretion and without prior notice.

4.3     The user hereby declares, agrees and authorizes the Operator to use any post and/or feedback and/or response and/or content thereby written or uploaded when using the site, fully or partially, all upon Operator exclusive discretion and at no payment whatsoever, and the User shall have no claims in this regard (including violation of any intellectual property rights). This Operator right shall remain in perpetual force. In addition, the site user confirms that he is aware that, as of posting the feedback and/or response and/or share and/or tag and/or uploading any content to the 4-MINUTES website and/or Facebook page, all such actions shall be exposed to the public, as the matter implies, and the User confirms consideration thereof in his decision to use these services and he is so doing of his own free will and upon his own responsibility.

4.4     The Operator may choose whether or not to post (or remove ) any response and/or feedback and/or picture and/or other content (hereinafter: the “Content”) that do not correspond with its policy and/or may impair it and/or anyone on its behalf and/or the website (including its proper management) and/or any other factor – all upon Operator exclusive discretion and with no need for a reason.

5. Purchasing online

5.1     The site enables, inter alia, the selection and acquisition of items of the items appearing online.

5.2     In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that a User purchasing items online may not resell them to another.

5.3     In order to purchase online, the User will be asked to first register to the site by completing an “Enrollment Form”, providing details on the address, residential space, telephone and e-mail address. Using the “Enrollment Form”, the User may purchase products online.

5.4     It is impossible to place an order online without completing the “Enrollment Form”.

5.5     The User is responsible for completing the details and their correctness. In order for the order to be processed swiftly and correctly, the User must provide correct details, otherwise it will not be possible to ensure execution of the order. If you provide information about others, you are responsible for ensuring their consent thereto and to the provisions of this document. Disclosing false details is a criminal offense and those providing false details may be subject to legal, civil and/or criminal measures, including tort claims for damages caused to the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf as a result.

5.6     To place an order online, the User must enter the product specification and choose the requested items, including color, size and quantity, and add them to the “Shopping Cart”. An “Item Page” will be posted for each item offered online, containing details and the sale price (hereinafter: “Item Page”).

The Operator may update the Item Page from time to time, add or remove items, remove items out of stock, add colors and/or sizes and update and/or alter the item price from time to time, all upon its exclusive discretion.

5.7     Purchase completion – Upon filling the “Shopping Cart”, press “Payment”. The user will be required to fill in the details required for finalizing the order, inter alia the delivery address and payment details. A page displaying the order details will appear upon completing the process.

5.8     It is hereby clarified that the page presenting the order details does not comprise proof of order completion and the content thereof is not binding of the Operator.

5.9     Payment for the online purchase will be effected by credit card. Notwithstanding the above, the Operator reserves the right to set special payment terms for its users, upon its exclusive discretion, including non-credit card installment plans.

5.10     Upon receiving the Order, the Operator will examine the credit card details and, upon approval from the relevant credit card company, the order will be approved and the User will be notified that the order had been approved. Final order confirmation will be sent to the User by e-mail only after examining the credit card appearing in the order and credit card company approval. It is important to note that all orders are also subject to ordered item availability in the Operator’s inventory.

5.11     Where the order was rejected by the relevant credit card company, notice will be sent to the User for arranging credit card company approval and executing the order. It is hereby clarified and emphasized that the ordering and purchasing process will be considered complete only after authentication of the credit details and payment approval by the User and credit company. Without final credit company approval of the transaction, the order shall be void and the Operator shall not be in any way committed to the User including, but not limited to retaining the ordered items in stock and the User shall have no claims toward the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf in this regard.

5.12     It is hereby clarified that completion of the purchase transaction is also conditional upon the requested items’ availability in Operator stock when placing the order. When placing an order for an item that is out of stock and/or where there is a problem with shipping, for any reason whatsoever., the Operator may notify the User and offer an alternative equivalent item or notify the User of cancellation of the order, even where the site did not state that the ordered item is out of stock and/or was not removed from the website until the order date. The User will be notified by e-mail or phone, upon Operator choice. Where an order was canceled, the Operator shall not be responsible and shall not bear any direct and/or indirect and/or consequential and/or special damage caused to the User or third party including, but not limited to damage for purchasing the item from a third party at a higher price.

It is important to emphasize and clarify that there may be situations in which, although a certain item is presented as available in stock, it is actually out of Operator stock and cannot be supplied – in such case, the transaction will be canceled and the User shall have no claim in this regard, subject to refunding the amount thereby paid to the Operator or to canceling the charge (if any).

5.13     An e-mail confirming the transaction will be sent to the User upon completing the order online. The Operator will then commence processing the order. All handling processes will be accompanied by text messages to the number provided by the User upon order approval.

5.14     The User will be charged for the purchased items according to the provisions of Article 7 below.

5.15     The Operator reserves the right, subject to User notification in advance, to limit the quantity of items ordered in each order.

5.16     The prices online include VAT as set forth by law, unless explicitly noted otherwise. In order to remove all doubt, the operator may update the prices of items on the Website and the shipping fees from time to time and with no need for advanced notice. The valid price for the order is the price posted upon completing the order (including approval of credit card details). Where prices were updated before the order process was completed, the User will be charged the updated prices.

6. Delivery

6.1    The Operator will only delivery items thereby approved in the final approval as set forth in Article 5.10 above. Delivery days will be counted as of final approval as set forth above.

6.2    Items will be delivered by an Association representative to the address in Israel provided by the User when placing the order.

6.3    The User may coordinate a delivery time suitable to him.

6.4    The items will be delivered by 4-MINUTES within up to 21 business days of final transaction approval by the Operator.

6.5    Item delivery to the address is subject to delivery fees set forth on the website. Delivery fees will be added to the item prices online. The User will be charged with the delivery fees along with the payment for the items. The Operator reserves the right to update the delivery fees from time to time.

6.6    Where the User or anyone on his behalf is not present upon delivery at the address thereby provided, in one of the instances below, the products will be returned to the Operator and an alternate date will be scheduled upon User responsibility, i.e. the User must contact the 4-MINUTES customer service center and reschedule delivery:

(A)    Where 4-Minutes representative fails to locate the User to schedule delivery within 7 days of the package reaching the distribution center;

(B)    Where 4-Minutes representative scheduled the delivery date with the User but he or anyone on this behalf were not present to accept the delivery;

It is hereby clarified that, in such cases, 4-MINUTES may charge the User additional delivery fees according to the rates set forth on the website.

6.7    Upon receiving the delivery, the User must examine its content and correspondence with the order details. In case of a discrepancy or User dissatisfaction with the items, the User must notify the Operator’s customer service center within one business day after delivery. The customer service center will schedule the addition/replacement/return of the items and/or the monetary charge/credit, as the case may be and as required by law.

6.8    In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that the Operator/4-MINUTES and/or anyone on their behalf are responsible for any act and/or omission committed by 4-Minutes representative, including a delay in delivery.

6.9    Items cannot be delivered outside of Israel. In areas/destinations of restricted access due to security and/or other reasons, the Operator may (but is not obligated to) deliver the items to a nearby and accepted location upon prior coordination with the User.


6.10    Items will not be delivered on Fridays/Saturdays/Holidays and holiday eves.

6.11    It is hereby clarified that the delivery times noted on the website and above are estimated and there may be changes in delivery times due to delays unrelated to the Operator. The User acknowledges that the items may be delivered within a shorter or longer period than estimated and acknowledges that the Operator is not responsible for a delay in item delivery in the following cases: Due to “force majeure” and without derogating from the generality of the foregoing – war, hostilities, emergencies and natural disasters, strike and/or lock down with suppliers of goods needed to produce and/or ship the items and any other reason outside of control of the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf.

6.12    It is hereby clarified that supply of the items may be conditioned upon presenting the User’s ID card and order confirmation number as received from the order system for the transaction and/or any other form of identification, all upon the Operator’s exclusive and absolute discretion.

7. Special offers, benefits and discounts

7.1    Where the Operator decides to grants its users gifts and/or benefits and/or discounts for services online, the choice of gifts and/or benefits shall be subject to its exclusive discretion and the operator may discontinue and/or change the benefits and/or gifts at any time and at no prior notice.

7.2    Where the Operator decides to conduct a special offer on the website, the offer will be valid until the last day of the offer and/or until out of stock (the earlier thereof), all subject to the terms and/or regulations for the relevant offer and/or subject to the comments by the item proposed under the special offer.

7.3    In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that the special offers online relate to online sales only. In addition, special offers on the website will not bind 4-MINUTES in purchases outside of the website.

7.4    Granting various benefits under these regulations is subject to proper operation of the Operator’s operations and computer systems. In case of faults that temporarily prevent user benefits, the Operator will take measures to correct them as soon as possible and users shall have no arguments and/or claims against the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf for failure to grant benefits during the fault period and until repair is completed and website operation is resumed.

8. Transaction Cancellation

8.1    Users may cancel a transactions in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 5741-1981.

8.2    Transaction cancellation by user before actual charge: Where users wish to cancel a transaction, they may contact the Operator’s customer service center as set forth in Article 1.6 herein, at no charge. Users will not be charged for order cancellation before product delivery. Order cancellation after item receipt and actual charge: Where users wish to cancel their order after actual charge, pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 herein, they must contact the Operator’s customer service department by phone or e-mail within 14 days of being charged by the Operator.

Item return or replacement is subject to the item being in order, unused and not subject to personal adjustments for the user; the item is in its original package with no harm and/or damage and/or flaw and/or breakage of any kind.

In order to remove all doubt, it is hereby clarified that the operator holds exclusive discretion on determining the state of the returned item.

8.3    Transaction cancellation due to a flaw or inconsistency of items appearing on the website: Users must inspect the item immediately upon receipt. Where users received a faulty item or where the item specification differs from the specification appearing on the website, users may cancel the transaction within 14 business days of receipt by contacting the Operator’s customer service department as set forth in Article 1.6 herein, all in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.

8.4    After receiving the cancellation notice, the amount paid by the User shall be refunded, less the delivery fees. The operator may also deduct a “Cancellation Fee” of 5% of the transaction amount or 100 NIS, the lower thereof – all as set forth by law. In case of transaction cancellation due to flaw or inconsistency, the User will not be charged any Cancellation Fees.

8.5    Without derogating from the above, an item purchased online may be returned (including due to fault or inconsistency) within 365 days of purchase, provided the following apply (cumulatively): (A) The returned item is intact, was not harmed or damaged and was not used; (B) The item is returned in its original package where it is complete, with no harm and/or damage and/or breakage of any kind;

8.6    In case of conflict and/or inconsistency between the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law regarding transaction cancellation (unconditional) and the provisions of these regulations, the provisions of the law shall prevail.

8.7    The Operator may, upon its exclusive discretion, for any reason and at any time, cancel and/or discontinue any transaction and/or sale and/or cancel any order, fully or partially. Notice of such cancellation or terminated will be presented to the User and the Operator will not charge the credit card or will refund any amount paid against the order, if any.

8.8    It is hereby clarified that where a transaction is canceled by the Operator, the User shall have no claim and/or argument and/or demand toward the Operator except for refunding the order amount as stated (if charged) due to transaction cancellation.

9. Warranty, Security and Privacy Policy

9.1   The Operator shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage due to access to and use of the website or due to any preclusion of access or use of the website on any grounds whatsoever (including contractual and/or tort). Use of the website is the responsibility of the User only and it is hereby clarified that the Operator is not responsible for any information posted by external users.

9.2   The Operator is not liable for any damage, including “viruses” and/or faults and/or software applications, to User computer equipment or any other user/third party property, caused by access to or use of the website, including downloading information from the website.

9.3   The Operator shall not bear any liability exceeding the value of the purchased item(s) and will not bear any indirect and/or consequential damage.

9.4   The Operator is not liable for User use of the items purchased online in contravention of manufacturer

9.5   Users who submit their details for use of the website are so doing upon their own discretion and free will.

9.6   The operator applies systems intended to secure the information according to customary standards. While such systems limit the risk of unauthorized penetration of the Operator’s computers, they do not provide absolute security. Therefore, it is hereby clarified that the Operator does not undertake that the website systems are absolutely secured against unauthorized access to the information stored therein or exposure of the information by perpetrators of illegal acts. The Operator is not liable for any damage caused to Users and/or anyone on their behalf, provided reasonable and customary security measures were taken.

9.7   In addition, in cases of force majeure, war, terror attacks, strike, lock down, etc., events outside of control of the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf, Users shall have no argument and/or claim and/or demand for any damage of any kind, direct or indirect, caused to the Users or anyone on their behalf, even where any disclosed information is lost or obtained by a hostile factor and/or subject of unauthorized use.

9.8   It is hereby clarified that credit card details for Users transacting on the website are not retained in the Operator’s system as the Operator engages an external company to clear credit card payments.

9.9   The Operator and/or anyone on its behalf take customary precautions to protect, to the extent possible, confidentiality of User information entered to the website. The User’s personal details (name, e-mail, etc.) shall be retained in the 4-MINUTES database (owned by 4-MINUTES, Priv. Co. 580712230, 11 HaAvoda St., , Tel – Aviv (hereinafter: the “Database”)). Use of the website comprises user consent to be included in the Database. As such, the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf may contact the User by direct mail, including postage and e-mail, and/or by phone, for promoting sales and marketing. In this regard, the Operator may provide the User information/various publications about 4-MINUTES and/or anyone on its behalf, including information relating to products, services and special offers sold and/or applying to and/or granted by 4-MINUTES and/or anyone on its behalf.

9.10   At any time, Users may ask to review the information stored in the Database in their regard, ask to be removed from the Database and/or cancel their consent to receive marketing material and discontinue any queries and promotional material from the Operator by submitting a written request to the Operator’s customer service department, as set forth in Article 1.6 above or by requesting removal as set forth in the material sent thereto. Users must be sure to provide correct identification details and contact information (such as, mobile phone number) for their request, the body from which the mailing and/or advertisement was received and the list from which they wish to be removed, otherwise Operator systems will not be able to remove them from the distribution list.

In order to remove all doubt, removal may take up to 21 days of receiving the request.

9.11   It is important to note that removal from the direct mailing list means that Users may continue receiving ads that are not tailored to them and where they did not request removal by e-mail, but rather by SMS only, they might continue receiving ads through these means. In addition, even after requesting removal, the Operator may send the Users notices that it is required to by law and information that it is entitled to send, even without consent thereof.

9.12   Where Users asked not to receive updates, the Operator may choose not to offer/grant them benefits and/or discounts applying to registered users.

9.13   The information in the Database will serve the Operator for the following purposes:

9.13.1   To enable Users to use the website services;

9.13.2   To identify Users at recurrent website visits;

9.13.3   To improve and enrich the services and contents offered on the website and to create new services and content suited to User demands and expectations and to change or remove existing services and content. The information used by the Operator will be mainly statistical in nature, without personally identifying the User;

9.13.4   To enable Users to tailor the website services to their preferences;

9.13.5   For analyzing, controlling and transferring statistical information to third parties. This information will not identify the User in person.

9.13.6   For Operator advertising, marketing and mailing, including information on products and services provided by 4-Minutes or third parties in collaboration therewith, including targeted advertising based on User characteristics.

9.14   In order to enable Users to receive content tailored to their needs and preferences, the Operator may use identifying details (such as IP address) and provide them to Operator suppliers, but in such case, the operator will not disclose any information that may personally identify the Users without their consent.

9.15   The Operator may use cookies for ongoing and proper website operations in order to compile statistical data on surfer use of the website in order to better adapt the website to its users and generate relevant advertisements. Users may, at any time, block cookie files by altering the browser definitions. It is hereby clarified that altering browser definitions is the responsibility of the User only.

9.16   The Operator will not disclose User details and information relating thereto to third parties, except in the following cases:

9.16.1   Where disclosure is required for properly providing website services and realizing the information objectives as set forth above;

9.16.2   Where the Users violated the terms of use and acquisition on the website or where the Users commit, through the website or in relation thereto, acts that seem against the law or that are an attempt to commit such acts;

9.16.3   Where the user committed an act or omission that impair and/or may impair the Operator and/or any third parties and/or where the Users used website services to commit an illegal act;

9.16.4   Where the disclosure of the information/details is required by law and/or where the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf receives a judicial order instructing it to disclose User details or information to a third party; in order to remove doubt, the Operator does not undertake to object to any order that compels it to disclose User information to a third party;

9.16.5   In any dispute, claim, demand or legal proceeding, if any, between the Users and the Operator.

10. Creators' Rights

The website and the content thereof, including design, sketches, designs, illustrations, music, images, pictures, maps, audio files, video clips, text, graphics, etc. (hereinafter: the “Information”) are protected  Creators’ Rights laws in Israel and/or  international treaties and/or creators’ rights laws in other countries. Users may not introduce changes, copy, publish, distribute, broadcast, present, duplicate, license, create derivative works or sell any part of the Information included in the website without prior, written and explicit Operator consent.

11. Intellectual Property

11.1   All intellectual rights relating to the website, of any kind whatsoever (whether registered, unregistered or pending rights), including the domain name, patents, trademarks, samples, creators’ rights, trade secrets, methods, website display and design and any other matter or detail relating to the website, are the exclusive property of the Operator and the operator is solely and exclusively authorized to use such rights.

11.2   All types of text and/or codes and/or images and/or trademarks and/or any other material appearing on the website may not be copied, duplicated, sold, distributed, translated and/or otherwise processed except upon Operator consent in advance and in writing.

11.3   Details published on the website, the Database, product lists and images appearing on the Website or other details published by or on behalf of the Operator may not be used without Operator consent in advance and in writing. In this regard, data may not be compiled from the website using software and/or such data may not be published commercially or in a commercial setting.

11.4   The website may not be displayed in an apparent or hidden frame, the pages therein may not be linked (“Deep Link”) except to the homepage.

11.5   The website may not be presented with a design or graphic interface other than those designed by the Operator, except upon Operator consent in advance and in writing.

11.6   Rights to names “Shahen Matzil Haim”/”4-MINUTES Association”/”Shahen Matzil Haim Association”/”4-MINUTES Community” and other 4-MINUTES Association brand names and trademarks, if any subject to ownership rights or use rights (whether registered or not), including but not limited to 4-MINUTES Association consent in advance and in writing.

12. Links to other websites and services

12.1   The website may contain links and/or references to websites that are not operated by the Operator. The Operator shall not be liable for linked websites and links to any website shall not be considered a recommendation for that website. The links are intended only for User convenience and knowledge. The Operator may, upon its exclusive discretion, remove and/or add any links to/from the website.

12.2   The Operator is not liable, if any, to content published in existing links leading to other websites available through the said link. The Operator does not undertake that the link will lead the Users to an active website.

13. General

13.1    Any fault, disruption, delay, etc. caused, inter alia, by force majeure, war, terror tacks, strike, lock down, etc., events outside of the control of the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf, shall not be considered a violation of these regulations and shall not entitle Users to any relief and/or right and/or remedy. In addition, where any disruptions and/or faults and/or disorders, including printing errors and/or disrupted timetables and/or communications and/or any other failure or fault to the computer system regarding website management preclude use of the website, Users agree to release the Operator and anyone on its behalf from any claim and/or demand and/or argument, and they shall not be entitled to any remuneration, indemnification or relief.

13.2    It is hereby clarified that the Operator may, upon its exclusive discretion, discontinue website operation at any time, with no need for prior notice or warning.

13.3    Registration to the service is limited to one account per user. The Operator reserves the right to remove duplicate accounts.

13.4    The Operator reserves the right to prevent access to the website and/or online purchasing where Users violated the provisions of these regulations and/or any law and/or any other provisions and/or where the Operator decides that users committed unreasonable or unworthy use of the site, all upon its exclusive discretion and with no prior notice. In such case, the Operator shall not be liable for any loss and/or expense and/or damage, including pain and suffering caused to the Users.

13.5    The Operator’s computer records regarding transactions performed through the site will comprise evidence of transaction correctness.

13.6    In case of conflict and/or inconsistency between the provisions of these regulations and any other publications (in all media platforms), the provisions of these regulations shall prevail and be binding for all intents and purposes.

13.7    Any Operator conduct/action in favor of Users, which contravenes these regulations or does not correspond with the provisions thereof, will be considered an exception only and, inter alia, will not serve or be deemed as the Operator’s waiver of its rights and/or of User undertakings set forth herein and shall not be considered a practice/custom/precedent binding the Operator in any manner.

13.8    The law governing any dispute relating to these regulations, including execution, interpretation and the provisions thereof – and all matters relating to use of the website (hereinafter, jointly: “Dispute”) is the Israeli law only and no other law shall apply. Exclusive jurisdiction for any Dispute relating to the website/these regulations shall be held by the competent courts in Tel Aviv only and no other court shall have jurisdiction.

13.9    The Operator may assign its rights under these regulations (fully or partially) to any third party, as it deems fit.

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